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Weaving Shadows: Enter the Green Void

Writer: BSchmidtBSchmidt

Weaving Shadows is a Drone/Doom Metal band that spawned from local Doom outfit Dopecorpse after their 2020 hiatus due to the Rona. After their brief foray into STAYING THE FUCK INSIDE FOR A GOD DAMN YEAR, the band reformed with new drummer Mason Weber (hey I know that guy, he’s the drummer for Terradactyl. Great job on the drum tracks my guy!) and Old Guitarist Matt Williams, the band found that their core sound was much less groove heavy, and more heavy heavy, leaving behind the Black Sabbath style riffs for Black Sabbath style riffs played at half speed.

After finding themselves inspired by this new sound, they renamed the band to match the sound. Considering the tonal differences I’d say it was necessary, even though Dopecorpse is like the second best name I could think of for a doom metal band, second only to Corpsedope seeing as how one is a corpse made of dope, and the other is dope made of a corpse, which doesn’t necessarily roll off the tongue as much, but is an infinitely more metal idea.

This review is going to be a bit of a shorter one, considering the EP is only 2 tracks, but it is 20 minutes long, and there’s quite a bit to talk about. To sum up, Enter the Green Void, it’s rich without being “a lot.” It’s like David Ayer’s Dune, as it does a lot with a little, and feels quiet, or as quiet as a sci-fi flick can be. It has a kind of low-tech sci-fi feel to it, which I appreciated. It’s not trying to be super technical, but instead focuses on creating a smokey soundscape filled to the brim with existentialist fuzz, and fuzzy existentialism. Oh, it’s also got drones throughout its run time. Lots of drones. Mind numbing drones.

Another huge difference from the before Covid Times is the injection of black metal into their sludgy doomier visage. The mix is very black metal with muted drums, treble heavy guitars at points, and reverb laden vocals. The only thing standing out from a typically black metal mix is the fuzzy, bass heavy rhythm guitars and bass. It’s an interesting mix that surprisingly meshes well. In fact, I think the black metal is really what makes this project stand out. The vocals, while used sparingly, really add quite a bit to the sound. Whenever a vocal line comes in, it brings the listener back to the surface from the dreamy comascape that the rest of the instruments work to create, and it adds a touch of dread and existentialism to the album. I also really like black metal, so extra points to the band!

So, there isn't really too much here, as it is just 2 tracks, but that’s kind of to the EP’s strong suit. The ep revels in its simplicity, taking its time to savor the musical palette the band expertly crafts. There is no need to hurry, we’ve got ten whole minutes to explore this. I think of the two I like the second track a bit more, as it does a better job of transporting the listeners to a new world, but the first track is no slouch. It sort of warms the listener up and eases them into the more nontraditional aspects of the album. It starts off at a fairly normal tempo for a doom metal track then vibrato’s its way into a slower tempo version of the same riff a third of the way into the track. It feels a bit like its namesake, sucking you into a void, as you slowly green out.

The second track is aptly titled “Cast Through Time,” and that is what it feels like. The rhythm and bass guitars are lumbering, like giant cretaceous creatures unaware of their impending doom at the hands of a massive incoming meteor. The Lead guitars add lots of flavor over the top of the rhythm section strumming tremolos chord progressions, one diving in here and there with little discordant lead lines, like pterosaurs, swooping in for a bite. It gives everything a sense of urgency, as if that meteor might hit.

To be honest, I don’t typically listen to doom metal all that much. I sometimes dabble in some Acid King, or some Dopethrone, but I have to be in the right mood. Green Void puts me in the right mood. It’s a fun 20-minute romp through time, sprinkling in tasty little morsels of black metal in its circling chasm of sludgy doom. I had a great time listening, and I can’t wait to see more from the band. I do hope to see them go a little heavier on the black metal. Blackened doom is ripe with untapped potential, and I could see a full album of it being really special.

You can ride through the Cretaceous Cosmic Corridors of the Green Void at

(Photos taken by myself from their 4/20 show at The Reverb earlier this year.)


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